PS3 NAND/eMMC Flash Memory Dumper v2.0.2

by PS3Xploit Team:

W | esc0rtd3w | habib | bguerville

v2.0.2 Update crafted by: bguerville (ROP, Javascript & Debugging) | esc0rtd3w (Debugging & Testing)

Many thanks to xerpi for the userland memory leak exploit ps3 port, zecoxao & Joonie for their early & continued support, mysis for documenting vsh exports & plugins, the psdevwiki contributors of course, STLcardsWS for his long standing contribution & all ps3 community hackers/devs past & present, you know who you are...

Supports OFW/CFW/HFW CEX Firmware versions 4.10 to 4.85
Supports OFW and CFW DEX Firmware versions 4.81
Supports Phat Models Axx/Bxx/Cxx/Exx/Gxx
Supports SuperSlim Models 4xxx-A

Instructions/additional details & news on

PS3Xploit Team Donations:

Dump file path:

/dev_usb000/dump.hex | /dev_usb001/dump.hex | /dev_usb006/dump.hex
/dev_sd/dump.hex | /dev_cf/dump.hex | /dev_ms/dump.hex