PS3Xploit Tools v3.0.5 Help

4.81 - 4.88 Supported

△ → Tools → Confirm Browser Close → Off


** ANY PSX/PS2/PSP Packages Need To Be Fake-Signed **

      1. HAN style packages allowed (Patched external modules ecdsa)
      2. PSX/PSP Free license type allowed (Patched sceNpdrmHeader check)
      3. Resigned ACT.DAT & RIF allowed
      4. Cinavia protection removed on HDD content
      5. OFW Package Manager
      6. Debug pkg file support added (optional)
      7. reactPSN alternative solution for OFW users

      Quick Instructions:
        1. Install OFW Package Manager (HAN Installer)
        2. Enable HAN (HAN Enabler)
        3. Install PKG (etHANol Resigned)
        4. Inject License (etHANol Resigned)

      • Fake PKG = Only needed for Custom psx/ps2/psp
      • Debug PKG = Only needed for custom retail PS3 pkg
      • Retail PKG = install it as is

      • HAN Enabler Needs Ran Every Time The Console Is Rebooted or VSH Is Exited
      • HAN Installer ONLY Needs Ran Once
      • HAN ACT/IDPS Dumper ONLY Needs Ran Once
      • HAN ACT/RIF Copier and HAN Enabler Need Ran Once Per Content

      PS3 HAN ACT/IDPS Dumper:
      This will dump your activation file (act.dat) and your IDPS.

    • Load Exploit Page​
    • Select Dump Path From Dropdown Box (default /dev_usb000/)​
    • Click "Initialize ACT/IDPS Dumper" button​​
    • When init ready, click "Dump ACT.DAT & IDPS" button
    • The browser will close automatically by default

    • PS3 HAN ACT/RIF Copier:
      This will write back a modified act.dat and *.rif file

    • Use habib's resigner tool to resign rif and create new signed_act.dat​
    • ** It is recommended to resign all the packages that require HAN Enabler **
      ** Packages which are converted, and packages which needs RIF activation **

    • Place act.dat in resigner directory and drag matching RAP file onto EXE
    • ** keep original act.dat in a safe place **

    • Place new rif file and act.dat on USB drive​​
    • Load Exploit Page​​
    • Change RIF File Name to match your target​​
    • example PS2 Placeholder: 2P0001-PS2U10000_00-0000111122223333
    • Select Root Path where act.dat/*.rif is located (default /dev_usb000/)
    • Click "Initialize ACT/RIF Copier" button
    • When init ready, click "Copy Files" button to transfer to HDD​​

    • PS3 HAN Installer:
      This will copy files from USB to Flash Memory for OFW Package Manager

    • Extract all files from "" on target USB drive root
    • Load Exploit Page​
    • ​​Select Root Path where these files are (default /dev_usb000/)
    • ​​Click "Initialize HAN Installer" button
    • When init ready, click "Launch HAN Installation" button to copy files and reboot​​
    • ​​Once rebooted, you can now use the HAN Enabler and Debug Package Enabler

    • PS3 HAN Enabler:
      This will initialize HAN to allow OFW Package Manager and other patches

    • Load Exploit Page​
    • Click "Initialize HAN Enabler" button​​
    • ​​When init ready, click "Enable HAN" button to activate patches
    • ​​Once browser closes (default option) you can install HAN packages from XMB

    • PS3 HAN Debug PKG Enabler:
      This will allow Debug Package types to be installed

    • Load Exploit Page​
    • ​​Click "Initialize HAN Debug PKG Enabler" button
    • ​​When init ready, click "Enable Debug PKG" button to activate patches
    • Once browser closes (default option) you can install Debug packages from XMB​​
    • Reboot console before installing updates or retail/fake retail error will occur​​

    • PS3Xploit etHANol Resigner:
      This tool made by habib will resign packages to work with HAN

    • Place act.dat and idps.hex into same folder as resigner tool
    • Drag PKG/RAP onto EXE to resign​
    • Created signed_act.dat on output for RAP/RIF